Friday 21 April 2017

Questions to Ask before You Rent London Offices

The commercial space you are attempting to hire should offer you various advantages. Even if not more than expected, it should meet at some certain criteria that enable you run your Shops inFarringdon successfully. London Offices for rent is available at various locations across. However, each location has its own best things and cons to offer. Therefore, you need to consider a few factors and ensure if they can meet your smooth running of the company.  

Here are a few questions to ask before you rent Shoreditch Offices:  

·       How much space you need? Try to first determine the space you actually need to run your business. The space you require should comfortably accommodate your employees, staff, office equipments and other machineries. At the same time, also consider the growth of your business, which will obviously lead to buying more equipment's and employ more staff 

·         Where do find your employees and customers more? Remember, besides the location of your company, the location of your customers and employees is very important. Your office should be easily accessible to them, which will in turn help boosting your business. 

·         What location provides easy transportation? Transportation is one of the major criteria to take into consideration, as only accessibility can make your employees and customers reach you quickly and easily 

·         Where are your competitors? Some business may benefit locating close to their competitors, whereas some become successful staying away from the direct competitors. Therefore, based on your business type and existing competition, try to find your location. 

·         How flexible is the office space to support your brand? The office space you choose should also meet your company’s need in a cost effective manner. Your office should portray the company’s message to your customers and clients. 

·         Does the office support your technology needs? Today the technology is advancing from every perspective. Therefore, the office space you look for should be supporting the modern technologies to be integrated, which is imperative for the growth of your business. 

·         What is included in your lease? Make sure about what the legal terms and conditions included in the lease agreement. You should also be clear about the lease or rental amount you are going to pay the property owner while hiring the office space. 

·         Is there any hidden cost? Try to make sure from the property owner if there is any hidden cost apart from the rent or lease amount you pay, as this may hike your expense after you set your office in a new location.

Friday 7 April 2017

Questions to ask before you Choose Creative Office Space

           Selecting the right Creative Office Space is important to run your business successfully. Choosing an office space requires some research and analysis to be done. This is certainly a challenging job, which should be done with more care. Although you can find number of London Offices to occupy, ensuring if they suit your business type and expectations is imperative. Moreover, the cost of office space should also be seriously taken into consideration before you sign the agreement.
Here follow a few questions to ask before you choose the space for your office;
      Is there opportunity for your company to grow? Than just thinking about your immediate need to occupy a space, you should also consider other factors like can this space create an opportunity for growth of your company. 

·         What is the lease term? The lease term has a major role to play in choosing office space. This also influences the growth of your company. Just think about a situation that you have signed a shorter lease term of just 2 or 3 years, whereas your business has started growing hugely and any migration would affect your growth, then what could be done? Therefore, always pay attention to the term when you sign the lease agreement.
         Is the location right for your company and employees? It is also equally important to consider the flexibility of your employees and other staffs when finding space for office. Remember, your employees should find it easy and accessible from the surrounding regions or across the city they travel from to your office. Moreover, it should also be accessible to your customers and clients.
     Is there any hidden costs? Make sure that there is no hidden cost apart from your lease amount, which may hike your overall expenses. There may be some costs like utilities, moving expenses, construction costs and many other costs, which the property owner finds it to be reasonable and may not establish to your at the time of signing the agreement and relocation, but may exhibit after you have settled. This is a mere headache to the companies and increases the expenses.

·         Is there enough parking spaces? When finding your Midtown Shops space, also focus to ensure that there is enough parking spaces to park employees and clients’ vehicle visiting your company. This is very important for company to ensure and smooth running